Thank you for joining us at Marché du Film in Cannes.
RSVP below to get your copy of Olsberg SPI’s ‘Best Practice in Screen Sector Development 2024 Edition,’ available in June 2024. We’ll keep you updated with AFCI events and programs and hope to see you in Los Angeles in August for AFCI Week.

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'Best Practice in Screen Sector Development' Report

Originally launched in 2019 at AFCI’s 43rd Cineposium conference, Best Practice in Screen Sector Development was a first-of-its-kind analysis of the strategies, policies, and other interventions used by governments around the world to maximise their share of the Screen production market.

This updated study features expanded analysis, insights and case studies into the Screen production sector’s evolving landscape. It investigates a wide range of strategies employed by governments, legislators, and industry partners to foster growth in the Screen production sector in both established and emerging markets.

In addition to the original four research areas – production incentives, workforce capacity, infrastructure and film-friendliness – the new study analyses current best practices in diversity, equity and inclusion strategies, Screen production sustainability, and partner engagement. Extensive case studies are included across the report to illustrate the best practice findings in each research area.

The key findings of Best Practice in Screen Sector Development will be available to download in 11 languages (Arabic, Bahasa Indonesia, English, French, Korean, Japanese, Malay, Mandarin, Portuguese, Spanish, and Thai), with the full study to be published in English.

Join Us at AFCI Week 2024

AFCI Week 2024 is Los Angeles’ premier annual event connecting global film commissioners, location managers, producers and studio executives

Be part of our dynamic task forces, insightful panels, inspiring keynotes, and networking events, culminating in our exclusive studio day. AFCI Week presents a unique chance not just to participate in the dialogue driving the industry forward but to actively influence its direction.

August 26-27
UCLA Meyer and Renee Luskin Conference Center

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Since 1975, AFCI has been empowering film commissions and industry partners to bring successful local productions to life through knowledge-sharing, skill development, and connection.

This year, AFCI is actively diversifying membership to include independent producers and private sector, for-profit businesses that enable production. Our film commissions remain the heart of our organization, and we’re looking to bring the industry closer to them and the regions they represent. Join us on this new and exciting journey! We might be 49 years young, but we’re just getting started.


Join LA’s Premier Annual Event Connecting Global Film Commissioners, Location Managers, Producers And Studio Executives.